About Us

Coyote Land Holdings is a firm that purchases vacant land throughout the country. We provide a headache-free process to land owners who want to sell their real estate.

Rylan Loader

is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Coyote Land Holdings. His passion for travel led him to the realization of just how much unused vacant land there is in America. Thus, in his second year of college, Coyote Land Holdings was born. Rylan received his Engineering degree from California Polytechnic  State University and is currently traveling throughout the United States focused on strategic land investments and development projects.


Coyote Land Holdings understands the sanctity of property ownership. Our mission is to ensure a smooth, fast, stress-free process for our clients in the sale of their vacant land. We are dedicated to conducting our business with the highest level of professionalism, honesty and integrity.  


Our vision is simple, to redefine the method in which land is bought and sold. 

Do you own land you do not want? Do you need extra cash? Why sell to us?  It may be that your property is too far from where you live. You’ve tried selling your land in the past, but had difficulty finding a committed buyer. You inherited property, but have no use for it. Property taxes are becoming a burden on land that you rarely or never use. You planned to use the land, but plans have changed. Your property investment value has decreased. You wish you could exchange your property for some extra cash.  You feel “stuck”…

Whatever the situation may be, Coyote Land Holdings provides hassle-free solutions to individuals, trusts, or family partnerships to liquidate your land holdings. We pay ALL closing costs and the amount that we agree upon is what you receive from us.

You're almost there. Go get your cash offer